Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween in Norway?

Halloween (one of my favorite holidays) is unfortunately not celebrated here, so I have had to come to terms with the fact that I won't be dressing up, carving pumpkins, or giving out candy this year. (It wasn't pretty.)

I was wandering aimlessly at the grocery store yesterday, lamenting the lack of Halloween decorations, when there, in a crate, sandwiched between the purple grapes and the onions, were 4 pumpkins!!! It was one of those clouds parting, choir singing moments, when everything in the world just falls into place...sigh.

Anyways, I bought 3 immediately, and tonight was our carving night! It was a first for Anne and Ole Martin, and I think they had a good time! Well, Anne did. After scooping about 3 handfuls of pumpkin innards, Ole Martin called it quits. I took over the carving duties after he went to bed, so tomorrow he'll get to meet his new friend, Vegard. :)

My Norwegian (grown in Germany) Pumpkin Pals!

1 comment:

  1. yessss! way to be American! bet they loved it!


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As promised, I proudly present my blog to keep you updated on my year in Norway. I'm so excited to venture on this journey, and I'm happy to share my adventures and experiences with everyone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy Europe with me! :)