This past weekend we went to Preikestolen. Roundtrip it took us 8 hours of driving, 4 ferries, and a 4 hour hike, but it was SO worth it!
Poor Ida wasn't too happy about waking up early.
Ida and Sverre getting some fresh air while waiting for a ferry...

604m or 1982 feet high...
We were so sore the next day...

About halfway through the hike...
Sorry SD, but Norway's got a big one on you when it comes to great hikes.
(Warning: Mom, you might not like these next few pictures...)
The view from the top.


Livin' on the edge, 1982 feet high.
So scary but so AWESOME!

Gisle was insane...he is sitting on a ledge just under the edge.

Taking a peek...
Sverre being a daredevil.

Annette snapped this crazy pic of me sitting on the edge. This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip!