Hello all! Just got back from a great weekend snowboarding in Hovden. We made it back in one piece - through sunshine, rain, hail and snow! It was a 4.5 hour scenic drive northeast of Akre, and boasted gorgeous views of snow covered mountains as far as the eye could see. Enjoy! :)

Forgive me for all the landscape pictures, but I couldn't help it! It was a gorgeous day and the views were stunning!

I like how this one picture includes sunshine, snow covered hill tops, greenery, and the ocean.

Langfoss is the 5th highest waterfall in Norway, and among the tallest waterfalls of the world.

I feel like this picture doesn't do it justice, but it really was amazing.
Getting closer to Hovden...
Our cabin :)
The view from the back door...

Anne and the boys hanging out while Ole Martin and I practiced snowboarding.
He did so well!Headed up to the top of the mountain with Kurt and his brother Frode. (Both were excellent skiers! Snowboarders were definitely the minority in Hovden).
After we got off the lift, there was a huge slope right in front of this lone skier. The mountains here were so intimidating!
I believe this during a break after my first fall of the day. :)
Hovden featured these T-bar lifts, which I had never seen before...they don't look very comfortable.

Ole Martin beat us at Monopoly...again. :)

Ain't nothing but a G thing, baby it's a G thing.

On our way back we took another scenic road that led us past these awesome waterfalls.

Oh yes, there were cows blocking our scenic route as well.