Sorry I've been lagging! Today it was cloudy and chilly but no rain! I looked at the weather for San Diego this morning and saw nothing but sunshine for the whole week. I am just a wee bit jealous.
After hanging out at the house for a little while, we bundled everyone up and went on a trip to Haugesund (pronounced HOW-guh-soond), which is nearest city on the mainland. It was about a 30 minute drive... (tangent: in Akrehamn, pronounced OO-kra-ham-men, there are only 2 street lights - there are usually roundabouts where you would imagine a traffic light should be. Kurt thinks that the roundabouts actually cause fewer traffic jams and accidents...I'm not completely sold on that. Although I do think that their low speed limit might have more to do with it - around the town on the main roads the speed limit is 50-60 km/hr, which is think 30-40 mph.)
Anyways, back to my story. Both Kurt and Anne were telling me that this was one of the bigger malls in their area, so I was expecting something around the size of UTC. Wrongo. Don't get me wrong, this place was pretty cool (although the only store I recognized was H&M - holla!), but it definitely wasn't as big as I was thinking. The first floor had maybe 10 stores, including a huge grocery store that took up almost 1/4 of the floor. The second floor had maybe 15. They had a great toy store that Andreas loved, and a couple of electronic stores that we could barely pry Ole Martin (pronounced oo-le MAK-tin) from. Definitely a place I will be visiting again.
We got back too late to make dinner, so Kurt stopped by this place down the street called Strutsfarm...which serves ostrich! I was a little hesitant but I figured, why not!? It actually reminded me a lot of carne asada, and it wasn't too bad...I will admit that every time I took a bite I thought of either the Roadrunner or those ostriches Kathy, Jill, Tracy and I fed at the ostrich farm in Buellton. :(
Tracy feeding the hungry ost...(Jill, Trace, Kath - can you believe that road trip was almost 3 years ago?!)

Hopefully not it's relative :(